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It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter what other people think
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter what other people think
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter
Life is not as it seems you can manifest all of your dreams
But you got to be who you are and glow your own star
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter what other people think
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter what other people think
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter
You need to walk your own way who cares what others may say
They each take their own road and reap all what they’ve sowed
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter what other people think
It doesn’t matter what other people think it doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter It doesn’t matter