Trying to stay focussed, present and positive in this crazy world

It's 2024 and it seems like the world has speeded up.  At the moment there is so much negative stuff going on  in the world and if we are to listen to the mainstream media it can totally do your head in.  I try not to take any notice, but sometimes if I'm not careful I do get sucked in and it can leave me feeling down and scrambled.  

ten years ago I would tell myself to just focus on the positive but now it is not that simple and happy faced stickering just won't cut it.  I find that music does help so often I will stick my headphones on and listen to some of my uplifting music.  Lately I find I am listening to Opportunities for Appreciation a lot as it reminds me about the power of appreciation, also I'm very proud of the song so that gives me a positive burst aswell, for me this song has the ability to blast away negativity and fill me up with healing and empowering light.  I wrote and produced the song back in 2018 when we were living in our fixer upper in rural Nova Scotia.

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